contoh kalimat lega nord
- It is often compared to the stronger Lega Nord in Italy.
Partai ini seringkali dibandingkan dengan partai Lega Nord di Italia. - The term was sparingly used until the early 1990s, when Lega Nord, a federalist and, at times, separatist political party in Italy, proposed "Padania" as a possible name for an independent state in Northern Italy.
Istilah ini digunakan sampai awal 1990-an, ketika Lega Nord, sebuah partai politik di Italia, mengusulkan Padania sebagai nama yang cocok untuk negara otonomi Italia Utara. - A further federalist reform was proposed by the regionalist party Lega Nord and in 2005, the centre-right government led by Silvio Berlusconi proposed a new reform that would have greatly increased the power of regions.
Reformasi federalis lebih jauh diusulkan oleh partai regionalis Lega Nord dan tahun 2005, pemerintahan kanan-tengah yang dipimpin oleh Silvio Berlusconi mengusulkan reformasi baru yang akan menambah kekuasaan region. - In June 2006 the proposals, which had been particularly associated with Lega Nord, and seen by some as leading the way to a federal state, were rejected in a referendum by 61.7% to 38.3%.
Pada Juni 2006 proposal reformasi, yang secara khusus diasosiasikan dengan Lega Nord dan dipandang oleh beberapa pihak mengarah ke bentuk negara federal, ditolak dalam referendum dengan suara 61,7% berbanding 38,3%.